Frequently asked questions
Women's Soul Retreat
Where is the retreat held?
The retreat is held at Natalie's home, which is in Wanstrow, Shepton Mallet a small village between Frome and Bruton, Somerset. The full address will be given on securing your seat with a deposit of £75.00
How many people will be on the retreat?
We gather as a small women's circle and the space can hold between 8-10 women.
How do I get there?
The car is the best option and easy parking in the village. it's a simple drive from Bath, Bristol, and Exeter areas. There is no public transport to my home. So if you come by train you would need to get a taxi from the train station, if several women are coming by public transport you might be able to share taxi cost. Taxi may cost £20.00 each way approx. It is 5 miles from the train station. There might be car option share if some women come from the city of Bristol, Bath or Exeter. I can advise if this is possible. When you book we will email you with directions to Wanstrow.
Is the retreat residential?
The retreat is not residential so if you want to stay you would need to book bed and breakfast in the local towns or surrounding area. We can offer you a list of B & B in the area.
What are the times of the retreat?
We ask you to arrive about 10 mins before we begin so you can settle in with a cup of tea before we enter sacred space together. Once we enter the retreat space, we do so as if we are in a ritual sacred space. We start at 10 am on Saturday until 6 pm and then Sunday 10 am to 4.30 pm. In-between Saturday and Sunday we invite you to stay more inwards as you are in a deep process.
Do we have breaks?
Yes we find organic breaks in the day for a cup of tea and time to rest and integrate parts of our days together.
Is food provided or do I bring my own?
We bring food to share, if you have any special dietary needs then we ask you to bring the food you need to support this. The food to share is mainly vegetarian but if you wish to bring fish or meat, this is fine, to support your needs. We provide a few snacks and teas for the weekend.
How do I prepare for the retreat?
There is nothing for you to do for preparing, it is not a detox or fasting retreat. We do have a small fast before cacao which is about 3 hours. We will email you nearer the time with further details around when we plan to have the cacao and how this will fit around the fasting time. We also fast for about 3 hours with the fire ceremony we will share more about that on Saturday.
How do I know if this retreat is for me?
We can offer a 15 min initial Skype session if you would like to feel into this work with us and see if it resonates with you.
If you would prefer to email us with questions or telephone we can answer any individual concerns.
I have low energy at this time is this retreat will the retreat be suitable for me?
We will be exploring different embodied practices. However in the retreats, you will be connecting more deeply with what is arising in your individual process, this may include physical aspect of your health as well as the emotional process. We would invite you to explore the story of your energy levels and how this lives inside your body not to override this but to deepen into your own exploration and deeper insights.
Do you offer any concessionary rates, I am on a very low income?
There is a possibility of limited space available for concessionary rates, please EMAIL me with your personal circumstance to see if this is an option.
Who is the retreat for?
The retreat is for women who feel called to go inwards towards their deepest longing and discover their true nature. We will also be exploring what get's in the way of this.
It is for women who long to explore what it means to come into deep relationship and intimacy with other women, the fears, the longing, the vulnerability of being with each other and the possibilities of magic, healing, support and community we can create together.
It is for women who long to explore the ground of living a more awake life as a woman in her body.
To enquiry into her unique soul essence, her relationship with her womb, cyclical nature, the earth, her wild erotic nature and her vulnerability
It is for women who long to nourish their sacred life as a woman and support ways to live this in their lives.
Creating clarity and a container around this work
If you just want a holiday or a rest without any inner work, this work will not be for you. Although there will be relaxation and rest within the way we work, its is a container we are creating to explore deep inner transformation. We do ask you to take responsibility for your feelings in this work, this creates a safe container for us all to bring the vulnerability of being together in sacred space. Any feelings we have towards another is also a mirror of something within ourselves in some form.
When we enter sacred space we are agreeing to come together holding a space of confidentiality and that anything we share is honoured and respected.
The Awakening Women's Institute manifesto is guidelines as to how we hold space, we ask that you read this before coming on one of our retreats, to support us to go deep together.
Have you got any questions?
You are welcome to get in touch with us:
EMAIL Natalie or TELEPHONE Natalie: +44 (0)7973 267232
You can arrange a short Skype session too!