natalie brooks natalie brooks

Sacred Embodied Community

It’s a messy life, and it holy and sacred. There is a sweetness inside suffering that awakens the compassionate heart. which does not defend against the fullness of living a human life. To live a soul full life we have to embody the whole spectrum of what it means to be human and the ways we numb and defend against this. The words sacred embodied community is the essence of knowing ourselves as one. It may sound beautiful and it is.. and humbling, we cannot separate ourselves from the full horror of life as well as the exquisiteness of being alive and awake.

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natalie brooks natalie brooks

Impermanence life's only promise

I thought i would start this blog with a poem which really speaks to me at this time. Personally and collectively in which we face if we are willing to turn towards the ecological crisis we are living in right now.

It’s a poem for the courgeous one in you

that knows there is a life to be lived that calls from the longing in your heart

that says this precious life is short

what truly matters to me

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natalie brooks natalie brooks

An encounter with the unknown - embodied relationship psychotherapy

Embodied relating is an encounter with the unknown, there are the words that are spoken and then there is how these words drop into the embodied space between us.  A deep listening with the whole body, the felt sense of the energy underneath the words, the sensations between us that is alive and awake as an energetic bodily connection.  

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natalie brooks natalie brooks

Heart Pause

Giving ourselves pauses in our busy day to reconnect to our bodies, supports living life in the present moment, which really is all that we have.  We can spend our lives living in the past or future, plans and worries and totally miss life that is here waiting for us to acknowledge existence itself breathing us.  



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natalie brooks natalie brooks

Facing our existential fears

What are the masks we wear in our daily life, the roles we play.  Sometimes we become so identified with the roles we play in our life we believe this is truly who we are.  Pleaser, giver, mother, father, provider, lover,  in control, perfectionist, therapist, spiritual person, workaholic,  are some of the roles we can become identified with.

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natalie brooks natalie brooks

Meditation Secrets for Women

For a long time, I have been searching for practices that support me as a woman to meditate. There are so many practices and teachings for coming into presence that have been created and taught by men which focus on awakening through stillness and detachment. 

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natalie brooks natalie brooks

Surrendering into the sacred

Surrender is about trusting the cycles of life and death to take us deeper into the sacred beauty of just being here. It strips away the complexity of the stories of who we think we are, to a naked intimacy with life, which is sacred and in essence love.


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natalie brooks natalie brooks

Embodied Love – Shame as a doorway into love

I am in love with the way you show me truth.  How could I ever imagine this excruciating shame that I know so well is my doorway to her love. The stories of not belonging and belonging. The longing in our hearts.

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natalie brooks natalie brooks

How to reduce stress and anxiety in our daily lives

Anxiety and stress seems to be at some peak of an epidemic these days.  We are constantly living our lives from having too much to do and not enough time.  The pressure to perform is often experience in our every day lives. 

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natalie brooks natalie brooks

The longing to be loved

Often at the source of our unhappiness is a longing to be loved. To feel the soft embrace of tender holding.

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